How Absorbent are Judes Cloth Diapers?Updated a year ago
Judes cloth diapers are exceptionally good at absorbing liquids. This is because we use a very tightly woven fabric that is specially made for us. We layer this fabric in 12 layers in the Judes inner diaper, so it can catch a lot of liquid. The advantage of our weave is that Judes remain comparatively slim. By the way: We also use a booster (available in our online shop). With this booster, the Judes inner diaper is even more absorbent. There are cloth diaper providers who claim that the booster should be made of plastic so that the diaper does not feel wet. As described, we believe (and have experienced) that this is not the case. Since plastic is not healthy on the skin, we completely avoid plastic in Judes boosters - they are made of 100% organic cotton.
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