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When can I start using Judes?Updated 2 months ago

Size 1 fits from birth up to about 8kg and size 2 from about 7 to about 15kg. These weight indications are a guideline and not always exact - it also depends on your baby's build. Judes are designed so that these guidelines always have a margin of at least +- 1kg. So, there should also be an overlap in these guidelines (not exactly 7kg). There is a trick, by the way, to use size 1 and size 2 even earlier: You can tuck the inner diaper's gussets inward. Then they will also fit slimmer legs.

#WhenDoJudesFit? #DoJudesFitFromBirth?#WhenDoDiapersFit#Fit#DiaperSizes#DiaperSize#Size#TooSmall#TooBig

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