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Can I skip the cover?Updated 2 months ago

The cover is absolutely necessary as it acts as a water barrier. While our inner diaper absorbs the pee, the cover ensures that the pee stays inside. Our covers are made of two layers of breathable recycled polyester. The outer, colored layer is not coated, but the inner, white layer is coated on the inside with a waterproof PUL membrane. Our inner diapers are very absorbent - so it's really rare for anything to "leak" through to the cover - but they do not have a waterproof coating like the cover since they are made of cotton. They thus become fully soaked with liquid and would transfer it to clothing.

#useInnerDiaperOnly #FunctionOfCover #whyCover #wetnessProtection #absorbentMaterial #leaking #wet #leakProtection

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