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The Breastfed Baby's Poop is Soaking Through the Poo Paper - Is That Normal?Updated 6 months ago

It's completely normal and intentional for breastfed baby's poop to soak through the Poo Paper. Our Poo Paper is designed to allow anything liquid to pass through - it's only meant to catch the solids. Residues, especially with breastfed baby's poop, are totally normal. However, any staining is purely cosmetic and hygienically safe, and it's very easy to remove!

Placing the diapers in the sun actually works best - in just a few minutes, the stains fade away (and sunlight even has a disinfecting effect).

#Residues #BreastMilkPoop #YellowStains #BreastfedBabyPoop #Poop #Staining #LiquidPoop #Diarrhea #BreastfedPoopStains #PoopStains

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