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The diapers are causing skin irritation/ What to do if skin irritation occurs?Updated 4 months ago

If your baby gets skin irritations from Judes, it can have various causes:

1. Judes are not hygienically clean after washing. If Judes are not completely freed from germs, urine, and feces during washing, these residues remain on the fabric and get activated upon contact with urine. They cause skin irritations. To solve the problem, you should first strip the diapers. Lactic acid is best for this since it is the most gentle on the material. If you cannot find it, the process also works with citric acid from the drugstore. So, you soak the diapers in lukewarm water with 2-3 tablespoons of milk or citric acid for a few hours. Then, wash them at 60 degrees Celsius. You can also deep clean the washing machine by adding 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid directly into the drum and then run it empty at 90 degrees Celsius.

2. The diapering interval is too long. We recommend changing Judes every 2-3 hours during the day, as this is the healthiest for your child, even with disposable diapers. If Judes are left on the child for too long, the urea, which usually acts as a disinfectant, breaks down into ammonia, which can irritate the skin. The solution here would be to shorten the diapering interval or insert a booster into the diaper so the urine can spread over a larger area.

3. Your child is teething, has an infection, or has only recently started eating solid food. In these three cases, the composition of the urine or the consistency of the feces changes, respectively. Both become more aggressive and can thus irritate the skin. The only help here is to wait until the teething or infection is over or the child's digestion has adjusted to the solid food. Additionally, it may also make sense to keep the diapering interval short in these cases.

Here are a few tips for diapering with existing skin irritations:

1. Shorten the diapering interval as much as possible. Especially change the diaper immediately in case of feces.

2. Let the child kick around without a diaper as often as possible. This way, the skin can air out and heal well.

3. Don't clean the skin with disposable or reusable wipes but with running water (e.g., over the sink) and then gently pat it dry.

4. Don't use creams or lotions with fragrances or many additives. Fat-rich creams are okay, they create a film on the skin and thus prevent friction.

5. Use detergent that is free of fragrances and additives and do not overdose it.

#SkinIrritation #Sore #Eczema #DiaperRash #SoreSpots #TooWet #MoistureIrritatesTheSkin #Teething #Sick #ChildSick #Rash #HealingWool

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