What detergent should I use?Updated 9 months ago
We've become quite savvy on the topic and can offer a clear recommendation.
You can basically use any universal detergent. Preferably as eco-friendly and fragrance-free as possible. We do not recommend fabric softener, as it decreases absorbency. We find the detergent from "Waschkampagne" (https://www.waschkampagne.de/produkte-bestellen/) the best, as it's tailored to your water hardness.
Occasionally, you can add oxygen bleach for deep cleaning. For example, we have very hard water in Munich. But with the detergent from "Waschkampagne", it's no problem! 🙂
From the drugstore, we recommend this one from DM: https://www.dm.de/denkmit-ultra-sensitive-vollwaschmittel-pulver-p4058172989520.html
Ps. Are you using the liquid Frosch Aloe Vera Sensitive detergent? In fact, several families have had problems with it (as well as with the Frosch Citrus Powder Detergent). The Aloe Vera detergent seems to cause the cotton fabric to not absorb moisture well, leading to leaks (similar to fabric softener).
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